Kids Room Design

How To Create Sensory Rooms for Autistic Kids?

Autism or the sensory disorder as professionals call it is a serious and debilitating mental health condition among children and it is diagnosed at an early age too. These kids have their sensory circuits all wrapped into each other and jumbled inside which means that these are not able to process the sensory information as a normal person would do.  This article is for kids room interior design.

To list a few examples a child suffering from Autism might not be able to process the feelings of being touched and might perceive it as a painful sensation. Some kids might not be able to stand certain sounds such as a fast-moving train passing them by, the rattling of the dishes and for some light could be an issue as they don’t want to be startled with direct light. These are the sensory conditions that children suffering from Autism go through. 

That is why their living room design conditions are also unique and needs to be met so they can have a proper and nurturing place to be and grow into. That is why it is important to provide them with a special sensory room where they can learn to adapt to these sensory changes and rhythms, you must take each sensory element of these Autistic children into account to develop such as a room. To help you achieve that you should take a look at the following decorating ideas for house interior design;

Consider adding a plethora of tactile and sensory items

A child with autism requires playing with certain toys that can help them with their sensory rehabilitation and to be able to do that some kind of rotation needs to be introduced. Don’t think of an autistic kid like a normal one to whom you can present all kinds of toys because if you do this with an Autism child then they might become uninterested in each and every one of these and it might trigger their sensory collision with these items.

That is why it is important to be a little tactile about this design inspiration of home and introduce toy bins where you can categorize and stuff away from the toys as required. Give them a dedicated toy or a basket to play with and when needed continue to rotate the bins so they have options and are not pushed over the edge by so many of these at the same time. it is the best way to create perfect and special kids room interior.

Take vestibular stimulation into consideration

Vestibular stimulation refers to the practice of being subtle and keeping the balance of your body and these are our ears that help them do so. But for someone suffering from Autism, the nervous response might be delayed and they might need a little cognitive therapy with their vestibular stimulation, that is why it is advised to incorporate dedicated swings into the place so the little ones can hop on these and keep their vestibular movement in balance. 

But if you think is too much or doesn’t fit with the overall home décor ideas then try getting them a rocking chair and or a mini-trampoline as these will act the same as an expensive swing and will help the Autistic kid to practice their vestibular stimulation. 

Bring the whole thing together with ambient lighting

Just like other sensory insufficiencies lighting is also an extremely sensitive subject for kids with Autism and that is why you need to make sure that the sensory room that you are developing does have a great overall lighting ideas. This doesn’t mean that you need to invest in heavy-duty lighting or whatnot simple lighting setup would suffice too. 

You can use battery-powered candles, lava lamps, and even string lights if you think that these won’t be a trouble to the Autistic child you are developing the sensitive room for. Get rid of all the fluorescent tubes and lighting setup if you truly want to make the Autistic child life at home because the lighting with cool tone is going to bug them out that is why keep a hot lighting ambiance inside the place to make them feel at home and relaxed.

Let the scents fill up the space

To be able to ease a troubled brain is a task that requires true intentions but very few resources. You can do the same by making the whole space filled up with a certain sense of aroma and even to make that happen you don’t need a heavy-duty machine at all, simply dab a cotton ball with essential oils and let the child smell these. This type of kids room interior would work as a therapeutic procedure to make them acquainted with the sense of aroma. 

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